ONLY $150.00 per year...
Send us your pdf image and we will print it on a 2' x 3' sign board. The sign will be hung in our shooting range. You will be exposing your business to hundreds of archers and guests. The sign will stay up for a full year!!! You can renew for subsequent years for the low price of $100.00! You can't beat the price. It is a great way to advertise your business and support the OBHC.
Also, if you purchase sign space, we will post the pdf on our sponsor page with a link to your website under our "Sponsors and Links" page.
email the pdf image to
[email protected]
mail check or money order to
Omro Bowhunters, Inc
1230 East Main Street
Omro, WI 54963
Also, if you purchase sign space, we will post the pdf on our sponsor page with a link to your website under our "Sponsors and Links" page.
email the pdf image to
[email protected]
mail check or money order to
Omro Bowhunters, Inc
1230 East Main Street
Omro, WI 54963